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Voiceowl is a purpose-built Gen-AI Voice Virtual Assistant for B2B enterprises across industries, introducing intelligent automated conversations for the entire customer journey (from prospecting to customer support). With our AI Voice Assistants backed by Gen-AI + Pre-trained LLM, we’re enabling smart context-aware conversations with customers in diverse use cases. This includes bringing automation in contact verification and qualification for faster conversions, promising best-in-class ROI. While we do that, our tech stack also ensures data security and compliance by leveraging a smart middleware layer. It safeguards your invaluable customer data by keeping it confined within the system while the interaction between our architectural systems and the LLMs takes place. 1. 1000x efficiency, 5X better revenue with 60% cost savings on operations. 2. Real-time lifelike conversations made better with NLU. 3. Sentiment + context-driven responses across channels. 4. 100% secure and compliant with GDPR, HIPAA, and other data protection laws.

VoiceOwl's Breakthrough at GFF24 – Transforming Industries with Generative AI

VoiceOwl presented its generative AI to GFF24, attracting scores of industry leaders from various industries.