Content Guidelines

Welcome to Durum.az! To ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience for all users, please adhere to the following Content Guidelines when interacting on our platform:

  1. Respect Others

    Be respectful: Treat others as you would like to be treated. Avoid hate speech, discrimination, and personal attacks.

    No harassment: Harassment, bullying, or any form of intimidation is strictly prohibited.

  2. Legal and Ethical Standards

    Comply with the law: Do not engage in or promote any illegal activities.

    Protect privacy: Refrain from sharing personal information of others without their consent.

  3. Content Quality

    Original content: Only share content that you have the right to use, and avoid plagiarism.

    No spam: Avoid excessive self-promotion or spammy behavior.

  4. Safety and Well-being

    No violence or harm: Do not post content that promotes violence, self-harm, or harm to others.

    Report concerning content: If you come across content that raises concerns, report it to our moderation team.

  5. Intellectual Property

    Respect copyrights: Do not use or distribute content that violates intellectual property rights.

    Give credit: When sharing content created by others, give proper attribution.

  6. Community Collaboration

    Engage responsibly: Contribute positively to discussions and help maintain a welcoming community.

    Report violations: Use the reporting feature for content that violates guidelines.

    Be welcoming: Assist newcomers, share knowledge, and participate in community initiatives.

    Respect moderators: Follow instructions and reach out for assistance if needed.

  7. Moderation Process

    Fair and consistent: Our moderation process aims to be fair, consistent, and transparent.

    Appeals: If your content is flagged or your account is subject to action, you have the right to appeal the decision. Contact our moderation team at admin [at]durum.az for assistance.

  8. Child Safety

    No child exploitation: We strictly prohibit any content that exploits or endangers children.

    Age-appropriate content: Ensure that your content is suitable for all age groups.

  9. Content Review

    User-generated content: Durum.az is a platform for user-generated content. We do not endorse or take responsibility for the views expressed by our users.

    Timely removal: Reported content will be reviewed promptly, and appropriate action will be taken.

  10. Continuous Improvement

    Feedback welcome: We value user feedback. If you have suggestions for improving our guidelines or platform features, share your thoughts at admin [at]durum.az.


By using Durum.az, you agree to comply with these content guidelines. Our goal is to create a positive and inclusive environment for all users. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a respectful and enjoyable community.

Last Updated: [19th November 2023]

If you have any questions or need further clarification on these guidelines, feel free to reach out to our support team at admin [at]durum.az.

Thank you for being a part of the Durum community!