How Reliable Are Eye Health DNA Tests in Identifying Genetic Risks?
Genetics plays a crucial role in overall health and in developing many medical disorders, including those that impact vision and eye health. Multiple eye disorders are hereditary and run in families. In other words, genes pass many genetic eye diseases directly from parents to their children. With advancements in technology and an increased understanding of the genome, it is now possible to predict the risk of an eye problem using Genetic Testing for Inherited Eye Disease. DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is a DNA testing company that offers genetic testing for eye disorders. For more information about Eye Health DNA Test, contact us at +91 8010177771 or on WhatsApp at +91 9213177771.

Get Genetic Testing for Inherited Eye Disease

Get Genetic Testing for Inherited Eye Disease

Eye Health DNA Test is genetic testing for eye disorders. It predicts your risk of getting an eye disease & helps your doctor plan the ideal treatment for you.