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3 ans - Youtube

The kids have turned into wild animals. The dogs are snoozing like babies. Whatever life brings, Tammin Sursok and her family keep up with the chaos—and the cleaning—with a little help from the #JetStick​ and #CleanStation​. Even the dog beds stay fresh with the large capacity of the Samsung Front Load Washer.

See how #Samsung​ can help you run an efficient home:

3 ans - Youtube

Welcome Home: Living for the City—with Twins | Samsung

In the city that never sleeps, every second counts—especially when you have twin boys to run after. Marc and Andrea fly through day-to-day chores with the Jet Stick and Clean Station. Laundry with twins can be challenging, but with the #SmartThings​ App, they keep an eye on multiple loads in their Samsung #FrontLoadWasher​.

See how #Samsung​ can help you run an efficient home:

3 ans - Youtube

Work is better with Play | Samsung

Everyday is an adventure in the life of a working mom—the #GalaxyTabS7​ helps keep the balance.

Work and play with #Samsung​: smsng.us/TabS7


Samsung continuously develops and expands strategic products in our Consumer Electronics division.

Since we first won top global market share in 2006, exceptional technology and innovative design have strengthened our unrivaled leadership in flat-panel TVs and monitors.

In the Home Appliance, we achieved remarkable growth by debuting inventive new products and differentiated design in the premium market.